McSweeney’s LIst (31 May, 2023)
Accessible Audio for McSweeney’s List will be available soon!
It’s poetry and songs about writing… Here’s McSweeney’s (Play)List NUMBER TEN! (Or X, if you’re my Editor.) And it’s got a new cover photo!
If you're reading this particular intro, then I've taken a moment to step outside my comfort zone. See, I write these intros, but then something might change, or priorities shift, or something more lovely strikes my fancy, and I start over. It means I'm generally ready for anything, and always pressed tightly up against a deadline. It's kinda sexy. So I'm starting this super early, as a commitment to myself that I will be busy on May 31, taking part in a playwrighting challenge.
"Oh, you write plays?" I hear the curious reader ask. No, I don't; that's the comfort zone bit. Creative Director and in-house Chaotic Good Representative Andrew suggested I join this thingy, knowing full well it isn't in my wheelhouse. Now, he's not just our Creative Director, he's my personal editor, art buddy, and a bunch of other analogies, but no one wants to hear all that poetic shit (he does sometimes, but he knows where to find me). (Editor’s Note: I do not. I mean, I know where to find you, but I don’t need that.) Anyway, when he said "You should do this. You can do this. It will expand your art and your mind," or something that sounded like that to me, I had to take it seriously.
Art can be isolating. Anyone who's ever accidentally seen the sunrise because they got caught up in their craft knows this. They know that it can be lovely, exhilarating, monumentally satisfying, and entirely solo. On the rare occasions you find someone you can share that with, whose opinion and vision you can trust (I can't count on Andrew's colour blind ass with most visual arts) (Editor’s Note: Nice.), you have to listen.
Like so many creatives, I live two lives. In one life, I go to someone else's office and play an administrator, and in my art life, I am a dreamy night owl, and kind of a big deal in some (very small) rooms. (Editor’s Note: The rooms aren’t small, she’s microdosing.) I'm usually both people on the same day, which is weird, as I struggle to find the balance as to where my "real life" lies. As such, it's important for me to set boundaries and create the space for art. I usually come home from being an office adult, change my outfit (desk Dawn and artist Dawn have different clothing requirements), and set out on my Real Life. It's sometimes hard to leave my feelings at the office. My job is social, filled with emotional giving and peppered with people acting badly. Luckily, I'm blessed with a long commute, which helps me reset. The bright side is, it's impossible to leave my art at home. No matter where I am, I am a creative, a successful creative, in that I have yet to quit. How many people do you know who used to art? The only way to fail at art is to give up.
Back to this playwrighting challenge. When it was presented to me, what I heard was “here is a space carved out for creation”, and all I had to do was say Yes. So, I said yes. The clock starts ticking Tuesday at noon, and I will be wearing my admin hat. Nonetheless, my mind will be whirring, and my pen (or phone) (Editor’s Note: Your fingers will be making moves ON your phone, your phone isn’t making moves, Dawn.) will be making moves. After work, I'll transform into a princess of sorts -- or a Quirky Queen of Quick Quotes, Magnet of Muses, Alliteration Admirer -- and get to it.
I'm excited for the process, and curious about the outcome. How often do we get to feel that as adults? We get in ruts, do the things we already know we're good at. I'm eager to do a thing I've never done and either fail in glorious fashion, or surprise myself by not falling on my face. Everyone with any sense talks about the importance of process over product, and I'm stoked for that part too. I've never done a 24 hour writing challenge, and I imagine that'll be a rush (mixed with a panic, maybe an occasional "I can't do this, fuck this, I give up").
All this to say, try something new. Try something you're likely to fail at, because what's the big deal? Try something your future self will enjoy telling strangers at parties. The world, after all, is a stage, and we're just out here playing. (Editor’s Note: At this point, I turned to Dawn with a judgemental look, wondering why she thought a Shakespeare reference would be well positioned here, and she responded with, “It’s better!” Than what?, I ask… Than what?)
[By the way, this is my 15th McSweeney's List, and my 10th McSweeney’s (Play)List. It's crazy what can grow from saying Yes.]
Image by Daniel Groleau.
(Editor’s Note: This isn’t the first time I’ve seen Dawn ride a Tiramisu.)
Fringe Season!
I officially attended my first Fringe For All Monday night (more on that later!), so Fringe has officially started! Get your Fringe program at Mainline Theatre or any number of places around town. Stock up on sunblock for long days in Fringe Park, and Follow Forget The Box for unprecedented Fringe coverage! We’re reviewing 30 shows, and we’ve got a few great features on the way! #ftbxfringeMTL
It’s an Unholy Union
It's a Double-B book launch! That’s Books AND Burlesque! This is a literary launch that you won't forget! Come celebrate the release of Jessica Bebenek's chapbook, I REMEMBER THE EXORCISM, and John Nyman's poetry collection, A Devil Every Day. "A campy, and devilish night of poetry, live exorcism, and burlesque", which is not a combo that comes up often (to say the least). Featuring interdisciplinary performances by Jessica Bebenek, John Nyman, Mina Minou, Rasiqra Revulva, and Erin Lindsay.
Masks will be required at this event in order to protect the health of immune-compromised attendees & performers. Casa Del Popolo is located on ground level. There are ramps on both the venue and bar front entrances for wheelchair accessibility. Washrooms are gender neutral and one is wheelchair accessible. Anyone needing assistance accessing our space can contact us as we are more than happy to try and accommodate people to the best of our ability. Please contact Jessica Bebenek (via FB) if you have any accessibility inquiries and we will do everything we can to help you enjoy this event.
WHAT: Unholy Union (An Evening of Performance, Poetry, Witchcraft & Burlesque)
WHERE: 4873 Boulevard Saint-Laurent, Montreal, H2T 1R6
WHEN: Wednesday, May 31, Doors @ 715 PM, Show @ 8 PM
METRO: Laurier (Orange)
TICKETS: LePointDevente
Laugh More
Comedy, drinks, food! What more do you need? Hurley’s is bringing local and national comics to the stage to start your weekend off right!
WHAT: Friday Night Comedy Live At Hurley’s
WHERE: Hurley’s Irish Pub, 1225 Crescent St, Montreal, Quebec H3G 2B1
WHEN: Friday, June 2 @ 8 PM
METRO: Guy-Concordia (Green)
TICKETS: Eventbrite
Food Is A Human Right
Food insecurity is something I take seriously. I grew up on the trash food poor people feed their kids, I’ve lived in a food desert, and now I live in a food heaven (if we ignore the crazy inflation). I believe the solution begins with community, so if this stuff is important to you, this is where you need to be.
Community Cooks Collective is hosting an afternoon of snacking, networking, learning, and having fun! The event is focused “new relationships + growing existing ones within the ripe food justice and food sovereignty space”. There will be a grow-your-own microgreens workshop with urban farming solidarity cooperative CultivAction too!
Everyone is welcome .
WHAT: Cultivating Connections in the Food Justice Community
WHERE: Le Frigo Vert, 1440 Mackay St, Montreal, Quebec, H3G 2H7
WHEN: Saturday, June 3, 1 PM - 4 PM
METRO: Guy-Concordia (Green)
DETAILS: Facebook
SK8R Grrrls
In another universe somewhere, I am a roller derby girl. In that world, my balance is impressive and I can bike, skate, do all sorts of wheeled things really well. Also, I’m a badass, and I have a super cute uniform, and I’m a local hero. But in that world I’d be doing this thing instead of telling you about it, and I don’t know who would be writing this list, so lemmie get back to it.
It’s an international double header, Montreal vs Chicago! The Montreal New Skids on the Block face off against the Windy City Rollers All-Stars for the first time since 2015, and then our Montreal Sexpos (*snicker) take on the Windy City's Second Wind.
This would make a great family outing too!
WHAT: Montreal Roller Derby Vs. Windy City Double Header
WHERE: St. Louis Arena, 5633 Saint Dominique St., Montreal, Quebec H2T 1V7
WHEN: Saturday, June 3 @ 6 PM
METRO: Rosemont (Orange)
TICKETS: Brown Paper Tickets
Let’s Step Outside…For Comedy!
The World’s Smallest Comedy Night folks are bringing their summer series under the stars. The lovely courtyard behind Hurley’s will play host to the regular crew (Walter J. Lyng, Vance Michel, Zak Kik, Troy Stark), plus up an comers from our city and beyond.
WHAT: Stand Up Outdoor Shows (Stand Up Comedy at Hurley’s Irish Pub)
WHERE: Hurley’s Irish Pub, 1225 Crescent St, Montreal, Quebec H3G 2B1
WHEN: Every Sunday, 8 PM Starting June 4
METRO: Guy-Concordia (Green)
DETAILS: Facebook
McSweeney’s List drops every Wednesday with the best events to catch each week in Montreal. Don’t forget to SUBMIT YOUR EVENT to be listed!