McSweeney’s List (29 May 2024)

I am now high maintenance. Not the highest maintenance, and not in an annoying way, but I've made my decision, and I'm sticking to it. Allow me to explain…

Scarcity mindset sucks. Even decades after welfare Christmas, and ages after real poverty, the programming sticks. Sure, learning to appreciate the small things, and picking up the skills to make something out of almost nothing, are priceless lessons. But, much like our defense mechanisms, these things hang heavy past their point of usefulness. I remember making due with dollar store makeup, and the small steps up the quality ladder it took to get to Sephora. I still hesitate before spending $20 on lipstick, and I close my eyes when buying expensive eye shadow, but I've never regretted the purchases after the fact. Applying that same logic, I often have to override the instinct to buy the cheapest things at the grocery store. Yes, cutting costs these days is imperative, but what's the true value-benefit of unhealthy food, or food you don't like, just because it's on sale? Sometimes it needs to be done, but often it's an ingrained habit that no longer serves us. 

An interesting thing happened to me on the way to the salon last week. First, it bears mentioning that it was the second professional hair appointment I've had in my adult life. A misunderstanding with a stylist that ended with me having a glorified mushroom cut for my grad year (and prom) left me wary of salons. Besides, why pay for a haircut when my friends, or I, can cut my hair for free? But I was treating myself. So there I was, getting ready to leave for my appointment when I realized I couldn't find my wallet. Sure, I could tap my phone to pay, but my bus pass was in it too, and more importantly uh, where the hell was my wallet?! I called to see if it had fallen out at a friend's (No, he told me, you only left weed scraps, which is what I leave behind instead of glitter). I retraced my steps, rushing through the first over 30 degree day just before high noon, sweating with every step. Did I really believe I'd just find it sitting on the sidewalk? Could I call the bank from my hair appointment? Back at my place, talking to myself out loud and chastising my carelessness, I tossed my room, and finally found it, feeling rather silly about the whole ordeal. By then I was running late, and the only way to get there in time was to grab an Uber. It's fun when Uber X is the cheapest option, but frankly, I always prefer not having to foot that bill at all, ya know? I felt guilty. I'd found my wallet, but needlessly lost 40 bucks in travel (don't judge, my stylist is worth the distance). I took a deep breath, feeling my sweat evaporate in the AC and allowed myself to be here now (thanks, Ram Dass). Of all the ways to arrive at my hair appointment, this was pretty good. Hell, my poofy mushroom cut and I rolled up on prom in the backseat of a neighbour’s sedan, so this was far superior. In fact, why stress about the cost (what's done is done), or lament my own foibles (Grrrl, you know you, and you will be silly again. Be gentle.), when I could just enjoy the ride and pretend this is how I always live? And I liked that a lot. In fact, I'm going to make hair appointments a regular thing, because low maintenance doesn't mean no maintenance, and I fucking deserve nice things. And if I have that in mind and tuck away some duckets towards that end, why not tuck away a few more and always arrive in style?

Another example comes in the form of my shopping habits. I love thrifting, but it's also something I picked up as a necessity rather than a hipster hobby. I was so used to buying what I could find instead of what I wanted, that I didn't even make the distinction. It was only recently that I made the switch to almost exclusively brand new clothes, and yes, they’re more expensive, but they fit better, and always have more colour options. Now I'll buy one piece I really love instead of three that'll do. In the end, I have more options that will last me longer. Who'da thunk it?!

It should go without saying that if you're in a bind, you've got to do what's best for your budget, but everything needs to be said out loud and clear these days. Additionally, I'm not suggesting you boycott your cheapie faves, only that you consider why you're making the choice. There will be days when you crave a PBR, or a boiled hotdog on a piece of squishy white bread (don't judge, your family has weird traditions too). What I'm suggesting is that if you're doing it to save a couple of bucks that you actually have on hand, raise your standards and get yourself the buns. You deserve them.


Teesri Duniya Theatre hosts their 3rd edition of Gaza Monologues as part of PACTcon 2024. This is a community gathering event featuring original writings from local artists and community members, exploring their feelings, thoughts and ideas in response to the ongoing war in Palestine.

Following the performances, Murdoch Schon will moderate a panel discussion where panelists will dive into their relationship with art and activism.

The panel will include Teesri Artistic Director Rahul Varma, Actor, Writer, and Director Aladeen Tawfeek, and Writer Yasmine Dalloul.

I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Rahul Varma to discuss his connection to, and our collective responsibility for political conversations. Check that HERE

WHAT: Gaza Monologues

WHERE: La Cité-des-Hospitalières, 251 Ave. Pins Ave. W., La salle de communauté

WHEN: Thursday, May 30 @ 630 PM

METRO: Place-des-Arts (Green)

RSVP: Google


Every Thursday evening, our lovely barista Avery Jane will host an open mic! We have coffee, cocktails and snacks. Come have fun and bring your poetry, your lyrics, your instruments and your friends!

Visit our Instagram for more details!

WHAT: Open Mic @ Cafe Big Trouble

WHERE: Cafe Big Trouble, 2054 Saint Denis St, Montreal, Quebec H2X 3K8

WHEN: Thursday, May 30 @ 5PM

METRO: Sherbrooke (Orange) / Berri-UQAM

DETAILS: Facebook


The Montreal premiere of Jusst Swiim's new album, "Nature Divine” happens this week, along with the first showcase at Poubelle Magnifique! Join them for a video screening and show!

Of course Jusst Swiim will be there (listen here), featuring performances by Bijou Violet (listen here), and Camille À L'Orée (listen here). Dig the tunes while you enjoy the fab vibes! (The decor is uniquely magnifique too!)

WHAT: Jusst Swiim, Bijou Violet, & Camille À L'Orée 

WHERE: La Poubelle Magnifique, 1221 Crescent St., Montreal, Quebec H3G 2B1

WHEN: Saturday, June 1 @ 7 PM

METRO: Lucien-L'Allier (Orange), Guy-Concordia (Green)

DETAILS: Facebook


Accent Open Mic is bringing you another poetic night, and this time the theme is “Grapevines”. You won’t want to miss the featured guests, Hugh Thomas and Ennie Gloom. And as always, the ever-popular open mic, so bring your notebook! Sign up at the venue.

WHAT: Accent Vol. 92: “Grapevines” with Hugh Thomas and Ennie Gloom

WHERE: La Marché à Côté, 5061 Rue St. Denis St., Montreal, H2J 2L9

WHEN: Sunday, June 2 @ 8 PM

METRO: Laurier (Orange)

DETAILS: Facebook 


The open mic for dance is BACK for a spring-feverish Festival Edition! Round off your weekend with a scintillating evening of performance sure to offer a little something for everyone!

So You Think That Was Dance?

A hot platform for performance experimentation hosted by contemporary dance artist Karen Fennell. Emerging and established performance-makers are invited to share their freshest and most burning ideas in works of 10 minutes or less. Stick around afterwards for drinks and informal discussion - Did YOU think THAT was DANCE ...?!

Un «micro ouvert» pour la danse contemporaine. Dix pièces courtes, non organisée, non censurée, imprévisible. Un petit quelque chose pour tous les goûts!

WHAT: So You Think That Was Dance - The Festival Edition

WHERE: Mainline Theatre, 3997 St Laurent Blvd, Montreal, Quebec H2W 1Y4

WHEN: Sunday, June 2 @ 8:30PM

METRO: Sherbrooke (Orange)

TICKETS: Montreal Fringe


Fab funny lady (and podcaster) Abby Stonehouse is doing an hour, and it's gonna be a blast! She's testing material for her upcoming special "Stale Bugles and Flat Sodas”, so it's a full on sneak peek of the goodies to come. 

Mariam Khan will warm up the crowd, and then Abby hits the stage “for a full hour (potentially a therapist hour)!”

The show is Pay What You Can (PWYC). All proceeds will go to the opening act, and The Poly Mic, who have been incredibly supportive of comedians, giving them a space to perform! Reserve your spot now!

WHAT: An Hour with Abby Stonehouse 

WHERE: Notre Dame Des Quilles, 36 Rue Beaubien St. E., Montreal, H2S 1P8, 

WHEN: Wednesday June 5 @ 9 PM

METRO: Beaubien (Orange)

RSVP: Eventbrite 

McSweeney’s List drops every Wednesday with the best events, workshops, and more, each week in Montreal!


Floreus - A Tender Experience


Discussing Mental Health at FringeMTL