McSweeney’s List (26 July, 2023)
We all know the "peaked in high school" trope. The image of a middle aged, overweight man telling the story of his high school accomplishments, his college "conquests", the proverbial "big game winning touchdown" scenario, in whatever form.
Behind The Curtain (21 July, 2023)
Fun Fact: You wouldn’t be reading this now if Laurence Tenenbaum hadn’t invited me to a party in the summer of 1996.
McSweeney’s List (19 July, 2023)
Hard work is -- for better or worse -- one of those timeless positive attributes, something nearly everyone can find nobility within. Idle hands are the devil's playthings, and so an honest day's work has been commendable throughout the ages.
Behind The Curtain (14 July, 2023)
I am a self-proclaimed transit aficionado. I love almost all new transit projects. I hoped beyond hope (and still do) that the Montreal Metro will be extended.
Lux Bar & Resto - MTL Venue Series
Despite opening only half a year ago, Lux has already proven itself to be a gathering place for underground Montreal creatives.
McSweeney’s List (12 July, 2023)
've been thinking a lot about community lately. It's not really surprising, given the nature of this project, but it's also not new. I've thought about community a lot over the years, but in the context of what was missing. Now I'm thinking about fostering and growing community, and how that could save the world, or at least our lives.
Conquering Fear: The Rise of Abby Stonehouse
If you're at all aware of the Montreal comedy scene, you've heard of Abby Stonehouse. This year she's the official Accessibility Ambassador for Just For Laughs, taking the stage in the festival's first fully hearing accessible shows. The Include-ME show will provide a variety of ways for the hearing vulnerable to enjoy the evening, including a live ASL interpreter.
Behind The Curtain (7 July, 2023)
Over the years, I’ve always tried to keep my day jobs, which I do primarily, if not almost exclusively, for money, separate from my passion project or projects, whatever they may be at the time. There was one giant exception to this rule.
McSweeney’s List (5 July, 2023)
Man, do I enjoy a good abstract, philosophical conversation. Just the other night I was genuinely discussing Plato's Symposium with friends over drinks and under stars. It was one of those moments that, as it was happening, my inside voice was bouncy and giddy as I thought to myself "Wow. This is one of those things I always wanted."
Behind The Curtain (30 June, 2023)
Facebook Memories are a mixed bag, to say the least. Sometimes it truly is a great memory of a party or trip, sometimes it’s a reminder that I used to think my status update had to be in the form of a sentence with my name included (“Jason C. McLean is enjoying lunch” and such…aaah 2008), while sometimes it’s a reminder of something I would just as soon forget.