A Very Pretentious Comedy Show - MTL Event Series
Raquel Maestre is soft-spoken and poised, on stage and off. Her presence on stage captivates your attention from the start, then you’re hit by her jokes that are filled with wit and misdirection, making you explode with laughter. A profound joke writer and performer, Raquel tells stories about the absurdity of life, provides social commentary with much needed brutal (and hilarious) honesty, and expresses her irrational anger at typography (among other important topics).
Originally from Spain, Raquel came to Canada a few years ago for love. While that original love has since shifted, she has found much more love in the Montreal comedy scene. Raquel entered the scene about two years ago after meeting Alo Azimov. Alo invited Raquel to do Tales of Gender Affirmation after attending a show. This may seem unconventional, an audience member being invited to perform, however, if you know Alo, it is not. Alo has an incredible way of encouraging new talent to hit the stage for the first time. I have heard many stories of people being mentored or supported by Alo. After that first performance, Raquel was hooked. We had her. We are big fans of Alo at FTB but knowing that she was part of encouraging Raquel to the comedy stage makes me love her even more.
The very first Very Pretentious Comedy Show
I spoke to Raquel a couple weeks ago for my podcast, House of Stone (shameless plug). She expressed that she had been fascinated by performing long before she started stand-up comedy. Something drew her creativity to the stage. A musician while growing up, she had been in a few bands during her angsty teenage years. But in Raquel’s words she “was not that good” at being a musician, so she decided to try something different. Now Raquel has found the performance art at which she excels.
Her talent and hard work refining her craft have not gone unnoticed. She has been part of many amazing shows and festivals in such a brief time as a comic. The list includes Giggle Fest and Zoofest/OFF-JFL. A year ago she decided to give solo producing a shot. From the beginning of her comedy career, she had been highly supported by many comedians, especially from the Queer comedy scene. The Queer comedy scene in Montreal is stellar at supporting each other. This community is mighty and puts together FANTASTIC events. The motivation behind A Very Pretentious Comedy Show is a dynamic experience for the audience. Raquel has created an event that she can experiment with, including people not just from the Queer community, but comedians that she finds damn hilarious from other pockets in the scene.
Alo Azimov and Raquel Maestre
On December 10th, Raquel hosted the 1st anniversary of her event, A Very Pretentious Comedy Show. In the last year this show became a monthly event, regularly selling out, and being included in a number of festivals. For this anniversary show, tickets sold so fast that Raquel added a way to watch the show virtually. When I talked to Raquel about her show, she said she had been blown away by returning audience members. A Pretentious fandom, if you will. She has had audience members come to EVERY show. As a producer, this is a rarity that we strive for. While I sat watching the anniversary show, I understood why.
From beginning to end I was entertained. During every show, Florence, Raquel’s girlfriend is on stage playing the acts on and off stage—such a delightful touch to an already delightful show. Florence was on the drums for this show, which was a unique shift since she is normally on a piano. The dynamic between the two, on stage for this anniversary show, was unbelievably cute. For the joke, some passive-aggressive comments were exchanged between the two, but their support for each other shines through.
Raquel Maestre as Joe Comedian
The anniversary show was dynamic, starting with the Very Pretentious theme song, with Raquel playing the guitar and singing. She was accompanied by, shall I say, the Very Pretentious band (Florence and a bassist). This is followed by Raquel telling jokes to warm up the audience. Each comedian that followed was specifically picked for this celebratory show and it seemed like each act outdid the previous. Such a great lineup! And as a special treat, there was a roast of Raquel! Another segment followed, with two comedians battling over what is, and is not, pretentious.
When I spoke to Raquel, she mentioned that she wanted to experiment with this show. To play around with the structure and format. Raquel is exploding with creativity, and I am eager to see what is next for her and A Very Pretentious Comedy Show. I can guarantee it will be extraordinary.
The next show will be at a new venue on January 28th at Cafe La Ligne Verte. Make sure you follow her and the show on social media AND YouTube. You can also catch her co-producing an open mic at Notre Dame de Quille every Wednesday, called Poly Mic (GREAT open mic).
A Very Pretentious Comedy Show at The Diving Bell Social Club
I can't help but mention the following. This show found its home at the Divining Bell Social Club this past year. A venue where many comedians have had the privilege to perform. A venue where many producers have had the liberty to experiment with different show concepts. Days ago, Diving Bell closed its doors. This is a sad moment for us artists. The team there, Austin, Evan, and Jason, have been pillars of the Montreal comedy scene and I am so sad to see this venue go. I couldn't help but feel emotional seeing the comedians on this stage for the last time during this show. They have been successful at creating a safe space for comedians like me to try producing for the first time. They have never said no to any weird idea I had and I saw them do the same for every artist that came to them. Thank you Diving Bell. You will be missed.
For more information about A Very Pretentious Comedy Show, and their next event, please visit their Facebook.